Steve Olsher is famous for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on their WHAT – that is, the ONE thing they were created to do – his practical, no-holds-barred approach to life and business propels his clients and presentation attendees towards achieving massive profitability while cultivating lives of purpose, conviction, and contribution. He also runs the New Media Summit and hosts Reinvention Radio.


  • Let’s talk about the state of podcasting. Are podcasts a fad?
  • Do people need to have their own podcast to profit from podcasting?
  • Explain Push vs Pull
  • How do our listeners get more guest podcast appearances?
  • How do you maximize your time on someone else’s podcast?
    • When you said 500 shows some of our listeners may have fallen out of their chairs
  • Let’s talk about Calendly. I use calendly to book guests for this show, but you are the first guest who had his own Calendly. What is calednly and how do you use it?
  • Let’s change directions here and talk about Joint Ventures. What is a Join venture and how can our listeners use it add a revenue stream.
  • How do you find joint venture partners?
  • What is New Media Summit?

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