008 From Hobby Writer to Full Time Author with Rachael Herron

In this episode, Thomas Umstattd talks with Rachael Herron about how she went from writing as a hobby to a full-time author. We specifically talk about how she uses Patreon to connect with her most passionate fans.

007 Diversifying Your Income as a Creator With Joanna Penn

In this episode, Thomas Umstattd Jr. talks with bestselling author and podcaster Joanna Penn about how and why to diversify your income. This can’t-miss episode is packed with practical advice from an industry leader.

005 Funding Publishing on Patreon with Shemer Kuznits

Shemer Kuznits is an Israeli indie author who is using Patreon to fund his writing. He was recently able to move from working 5 days a week to 4 days a week giving him another day dedicated to writing.